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We advise and support companies with our expertise on their journey toward a sustainable and digital ecosystem.

Turning today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities

We are a specialist and technology consultancy at the intersection of energy and mobility, fully aligned with the needs and requirements of our clients and partners. Our primary focus is on creating sustainable value through the development and implementation of strategies and innovations.

From analysis and implementation to technological support, we help you strategically position yourself in the market and unlock your full business potential.

Our expertise spans the support of key grid expansion projects, the development of sustainable energy ecosystem concepts for industrial players, and the exploration of new flexibility potentials through vehicle-based or stationary battery storage systems.

We provide consultancy with a blend of energy, management, and technology expertise to meet your individual requirements. 

"We offer a holistic consulting approach for our clients. Through our internal agile organization, we are able to continuously expand our cross-disciplinary expertise to meet our clients' requirements optimally at all times."



Our projects pave the way for a more sustainable future

Our projects stand out for the seamless integration of our specialised expertise. With our expert consulting services and interdisplinary team, we deliver exceptional value to your project. We are fully committed to meeting the requirements of our clients and partners, regardless of the industry, project duration, or scope.

Wasserfall vor grünen Felswänden, mit zwei Personen im Vordergrund.