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Business Modelling

Business Modelling of Energy Services

Development and Evaluation of Use Cases and Business Potential for Battery Storage Systems

With the anticipated rise in demand for battery storage systems in commercial applications, a comprehensive overview of use cases and business areas for battery storage systems (BESS) is crucial.

Based on this evaluation, the project identified prioritised fields of interest for the client, which were subsequently analysed in terms of market and competition dynamics. Calculations of revenue and savings potential for future energy services served as the foundation for assessing an M&A initiative.

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Project at a Glance

Industry: industrial
Client: anonymous

Initial Situation

Promising growth opportunities driven by the rise of electromobility

Uncertain profitability forecasts for M&A activities due to high market dynamics

Need for modelling revenue and savings potential of future energy services to assess the viability of an M&A project

Our Solution

Identification, structuring, prioritisation, and qualitative market analysis of business areas

Quantitative and scenario-based modelling of revenue and savings potentials

Identification of framework conditions for the implementation and operation of economically viable use cases

Added Value Achieved

Comprehensive understanding of the battery storage market

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of potential energy services through M&A activities

Solid economic foundation for decision-making in M&A initiatives

"Working with the IE2S team was a highly positive experience. Their extensive expertise enabled the successful implementation of the project, allowing us to unlock new market opportunities."