Self-Supply Strategy for an Industrial Site
Tailored Integration of Sustainable Self-Supply Potential for Industrial Companies
With rising energy costs and increasing importance of supply security, the relevance of self-supply is becoming more evident. To develop a self-supply strategy, we analyse and optimise the energy concept, considering specific location factors.
We then transform this concept into a tailored transformation path for the customer. We support our clients in addressing the accelerated investment needs in renewable energies with a regional focus.
Project at a Glance
Client: anonymous
Initial Situation
Accelerated need for investment in renewable energies, with a regional focus
Rising energy costs and the costs associated with ensuring supply security highlight the importance of energy self-sufficiency
Need to analyse and optimise the overall energy concept, taking into account individual location factors
Our Solution
Energy data simulation, KPI recording, and evaluation of the current and target states
Scenario development for energy requirements, with technical expertise in energy, technology, and regulation
Stakeholder coordination, including collaboration between manufacturers and network operators
Added Value Achieved
Strategic recommendations for energy concept design, focusing on self-sufficiency in electricity and heat supply
Development of a modelling methodology for plant-specific adaptations
Comprehensive assessment of potential technologies from economic, ecological, and regulatory perspectives